2007 Ford Shelby Mustang Pro Street/Strip 4STB-E (4R70W/AODE) - w/EOD & L/U (Ford MOD mtr)
Vehicle Information
Vehicle: 2007 Ford Shelby Mustang
Vehicle Weight: 3940 lbs
Transmission: Pro Street/Strip 4STB-E (4R70W/AODE) - w/EOD & L/U (Ford MOD mtr)
Transmission Specs:


4STB-E - 4-Speed w/Electric Trans-Brake, Overdrive, & Lock-up
Gear ratios - 2.40/1.47/1.00/0.67.....Transmission has been in service since 11/08


Engine Specs:

5.0 Liter MOD motor - Supercharged making 1000HP

Driver Information
Name: Ray Patriarca
Age: 56
Hometown: Lincoln RI
Years of Racing:
Best ET: 8.95
Best MPH: 158
Racing Accolades:

2009 Top 10 finisher NMRA 

Link to a pass at ATCO 10/09 2 weeks prior to running its best number.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdr4pN1J4dA  

Link to passes at Cecil County 11/20/10:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC2bRiZpCjY 

Driven by Kevin @ Karl's East Coast Speed shop. 


Current Plans: Break into the 8's