1979 Chevy Malibu Pro Max Ultra Glide w/TB  . .  Stage- 4
Vehicle Information
Vehicle: 1979 Chevy Malibu
Vehicle Weight: 3150 lbs
Transmission: Pro Max Ultra Glide w/TB . . Stage- 4
Transmission Specs: VSC Variable Stall Control
Uses 10" Extreme Duty Torque Converter.  Transmission in service since 2002.
Engine Specs:

632cu in, built by Lorenzo

Driver Information
Name: Luis Martinez
Age: 48
Hometown: Philadelphia PA
Years of Racing: 35
Best ET: 774
Best MPH: 179.8
Racing Accolades:

Racing the Quick 8 for 6 years at various tracks in the north east.



Current Plans: Get ready for the shake down at english Town and other tracks on the east coast.  Lose weight on the car.  Next year 2nd stage